Stemming from the name of this years’ G20 summit, the School for Curatorial Studies Venice presents G21, a public art exhibition taking place throughout the city of Venice, Italy. The G21 exhibition aims to amplify the voice of the people via the arts by featuring over 50 established local and international artists concerning the final G20 pillar, Prosperity. On view in various shops, bars, restaurants, and vacant spaces from August 30 - September 30, 2021, the collection explores the interpretation of the term by posing one main question to the artists and public: WHAT THE F%$K IS PROSPERITY? Artists: (OXG), Mahesa Almeida, Malala Andrialavidrazana, Pavel Büchler, Martina Camani, Giorgia Agnese Cereda, Pablo Chiereghin, Ding Cheng, Francesco Cima, Sofia Cruz Rocha, Xi Di Victor Esquivel, Four-sided Art Project(Hong Hao,Liu Jia,Lee Janguk,Yan Lei), MEGANASTY (Megan Elisabeth Freeman, Anastasiya Parvanova), Habima Fuchs, Genesis the Greykid, Silvia Giordani, Sasha Gosmant, Jitka Hanzlová, Wu He Qi Lin, Klara Jakes Klara, Rani Jambak, Meena Khalili, Anna Kondratyeva, Milan Kunc, Lu Ming, Cristian Masetto, Marryam Moma, Lorenzo Montinaro, Maciej Nowacki, Paulina Olowska, Ester Parasková, Dr. Shwetal Patel, Kelompok Edjaan Peralihan, Martin Pondelicek, Francesco Pozzato, Moong Pribadi, Fabio Ranzolin, Gianna Rubini, Ilona Ruegg, Egill Sæbjörnsson, Audrey Schilt, Sima Yuan, Mattia Sinigaglia, Michelle Sitton, Haim Sokol, ,Martina Steckholzer, Teoria&Preda (Jacopo Zanessi, Clémence Gachot-Coniglio), He Yunchang, Song Ziwei. More about the project: map of the locations, texts, photos, press release: @g21____project